(814) 616-2330 info@purpleone.org

 Safe Place Finder

Organizations who have individuals who are PurpleOne Trained can apply to be Safe Places for Victims of Domestic Violence. These locations have individuals who are trained to Recognize. Respond. and Refer. victims of domestic violence. Victims can walk in to these everyday locations to seek help.

Victims can look for the PurpleOne Dot that reads “A Safe Place for Domestic Violence Victims” on businesses’ windows or doors to know the location has staff who have completed the PurpleOne Training and are a safe place to get referred to the local, state-recognized domestic violence agency.

Find a PurpleOne Safe Place

Enter an address, ZIP or organization name into the search boxes or view the map below to find a PurpleOne Safe Place.

Want to get PurpleOne Trained?

  Individuals or members of organizations can learn to Recognize. Respond. and Refer. victims of domestic violence through the four-hour PurpleOne Training. Learn more or register for upcoming training.